
Cow Bracelet

Pulsera Vacuno Ovine Bracelet Pulsera Ovino
Cow Bracelet
Cow Bracelet

This bracelet is specially designed to identify cows in their legs. These bracelets are manufactured in long-lasting material so that they can be engraved by laser with all the information the customer demands.

The positioning in the leg is easy and if placed correctly in the animal´s leg, it will last the entire lifespan of the animal.

Available in different colours. Check availability

  Measurements : 340x40 mm.
  Weight : 39 g.
  600 0424-001 993 1424-001
  600 0424-003 993 1424-003
  600 0424-010 993 1424-010
  600 0424-011 993 1424-011
  600 0424-012 993 1424-012
Ovine Bracelet
Ovine Bracelet

This bracelet to be placed in the animal’s leg is specially designed to identify sheep.
It is made of a long lasting material and it can be printed by laser with all the information the customer demands.

Easy to put and take it off, nonetheless the animal cannot take it off on its own. This method of implantation guarantees a long lasting lifespan of the product.

Available in different colours. Check availability

  Measurements : 152x31 mm.
  Weight : 6 g.
  600 0423-001 993 1423-001
  600 0423-011 993 1423-011
  600 0423-012 993 1423-012

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Tlf: +34 967 52 01 87 - Fax: +34 967 52 20 61