Electronic Identification
Jeringas Crotal Electrónico Collar Electrónico Aplicadores
Syringes Electronic Eartag Electronic Collar Ruminal Bolus
Microchips Glass Tag Aplicadores Lectores de Mano
Glass Tag Implant Guns Microchip Readers

Felixcan has defined three areas of work for this type of identification:

1 .- Identification devices (syringes, injectables, bolus and electronic eartags)
2 .- Readers (static and handheld)
3 .- Other (applicators, software, etc ...)

Felixcan is a manufacturer accredited by ICAR manufacturer code with 941. Felixcan has also signed the Code of Conduct proposed by ICAR.

Felixcan has several products certified by JRC.
All our products comply with ISO 11784/11785 standards.


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Electronic Identification : | Glass Tag | Ruminal Bolus | Syringes | Electronic Eartag | Electronic Collar | Microchip Readers | Implant Guns |
Visual Identification : | Eartags | Implanters | Ink Markers | Bracelets | Collars | Medals | Seals | Sprays | Petreqover medal |

Polígono Industrial Romica, Calle Atenas, 29, 02007 ALBACETE (Spain)
Tlf: +34 967 52 01 87 - Fax: +34 967 52 20 61